Voting for the Reality You Want

Small actions and decisions, added up over time become your results. It’s easy to think of small actions as one-off’s and inconsequential. But they aren’t inconsequential, because they form our reality.

Your spending is a form of voting. 

You can vote for freedom or vote for fancy cheese.

You can vote for freedom or vote for a luxury car.

What you eat is a form of voting and you have to be able to control the force of your vote.

Voting for healthy and nutritious food is not only fine but useful and necessary, but voting over and over with force on food beyond your needs is voting for extra pounds and wasted resources.

You can be voting for freedom or voting for a beer belly and money you’ll never recover. Voting for widening your moat from worry, fear, financial hardships,  and risk upon job loss or voting for a never ending financial treadmill.

You can change how you vote at any time, every day. And it matters immediately.

At the end of month when you sweep your excess money to Vanguard, that is a vote towards freedom. If at the end of the month you spent a thousand dollars on shit you don’t need, you actively voted against financial freedom.

You can rewind your vote by selling shit you don’t need and escaping obligations like a car payment.

How you spend your time is voting for the you want to. If you spend your Saturday afternoon walking in the forest, listening to music and podcasts, or reading, you are voting for a renewed you. If you spend it binge watching Game of Thrones, you are voting to not improve your life, and to exit your thoughts. You are pushing a pause button, but worse.

The hard part is that when you vote for freedom it seems that you don’t actually get that freedom for a while, but this isn’t true. Every time you vote for Financial freedom you are building up a castle, and widening the mote from worry, fear, demanding bosses and coworkers, office disagreements, and most other forms of bullshit

When you vote for a salad over a food-like substance for lunch you don’t see immediate results when you look in the mirror. But every vote you (ahem, me) make for healthy salad immediately starts building your health.

Believe in the reality you want. And keep voting for it with each and every choice.